Famous Pupils: Stadt Maulbronn

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Famous Pupils

The Portestant Theological College's Famous Pupils

Johannes Kepler

The astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) went to the upper monastic school from 1586-89, where he received a sound education that was to serve as the basis for his future scientific work.

Caroline Schelling

The poet Caroline Schelling (1763-1809) died while visiting her parents-in-law's house in Maulbronn.

Friedrich Hölderlin

The poet Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843) went to the Maulbronn monastic school from 1786-88. During his time there, he produced a collection of poems that were later to become famous as the "Marbacher Quardtheft" (Marbach Quarto Notebook).

Justinus Kerner

The doctor and poet Justinus Kerner (1786-1862) spent five years of his childhood in Maulbronn. The book "Bilderbuch aus meiner Knabenzeit" (Picture Book from my Childhood) is a record of Kerner's memories and impressions from this period.

Hermann Hesse

The poet and winner of the Nobel prize for literature Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) attended the theological college in Maulbronn from September 15, 1891 to May 7, 1892. His short stay in Maulbronn monastery is illustrated extensively by the works "Beneath the Wheel", "Narcissus and Goldmund" and "Erwin", as well as poems, such as "Im Kreuzgarten" (In the Ambulatory) and letters.